zondag 8 april 2018


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WIRING HITCHHIKING HARASSER ELIMINATORS: Are your home/business wiring, piping, etc. or even car wiring hijacked to electronically harass or surveil you by hitchhiking signals onto them? Because power and telephone lines, and metal pipe (e.g. plumbing), metal tubing (e.g. wire shielding) and metal linear structures (e.g. rebar, girders, conduit, trim, rails, fencing) surround you virtually everywhere you go in any building, electronic surveillance devices, equipment control devices, mind control devices and electronic attack devices can be connected to them in virtually every room and even outside the building for some distances - these omnipresent conductors serve as the optimum means to connect up, transmit and distribute these very harmful electronic surveillance, mind control and electronic attack signals throughout the building (sometimes mistakenly called, "carrier current" attacks) - optimum conductors for virtually endless varieties of bugs, taps, harassment, control and line blaster devices. Our WHHE devices both test and filter out harmful hitchhiking signals!
       Since these conductors are so prevalent in virtually every building, added with the technologies of time multiplexing signals and frequency multiplexing signals, literally dozens - even 100s - of these types of very harmful signals can be operational on any day and night against you - usually no matter what rooms you are in. Your home or business is just several huge signal distribution networks plus transmitting and receiving antenna arrays. And all such wiring, piping, etc. can usually be just as easily abused for electronic surveillance, mind control and electronic attacks even if you turn OFF or disconnect them from their normal uses (e.g. turning Off AC power, disconnecting phones). This is nothing new - both power and phone wiring have been lawfully used for decades to carry high-band voice, control signals, and data (e.g. faxes, modems, DSL, zons, intercoms, alarm systems for phone lines, and intercoms and alarm systems for power lines) - proven technologies using common household AC wiring and phone wiring. Furthermore, because generic power and phone wiring and piping in all or part of one's home and business are often unshielded, they can be both easily accessed and connected up to AND used as a huge transmitting and/or receiving radio antennas to communicate with anything from electronic implants - to guys parked in the street - to cellphone towers down the road - to control centers 100s miles away - to ships at sea - to satellites - to electronically harass, control and/or interfere with your life! For examples: (1) Signals on them can be transmitted wireless for miles, and (2) Physical access to the wiring, piping, etc. is not even required; because the wiring, piping, etc. is unshielded, signals can often be inductively coupled into or out of power lines, phone lines, piping, etc. (e.g. inductively-coupled phone line taps are decades old technology).
       Since these virtually endless varieties of bugs, taps, harassment, control and line blaster devices can take on virtually any appearance and/or be hidden in just about anything inside of or near your building, they can be very difficult to detect through physical searches (short of tearing down all of your walls and ceilings where the lines and piping run, and disassembling all of your equipment). For example, these devices can be easily concealed inside TVs, radios, computers, landline phone equipment, etc. - fully operating even when the TV, radio, phone, etc. itself is not turned ON. Or hidden in an outlet, inside of your wall or in your attic - even inside your car. Since not all of these harmful devices are RF devices, the non-RF ones cannot be detected using TSCM field strength testing used for wireless systems. Nor can strictly receiving devices be TSCM-detected. And usually nor can transmitting devices which transmit in bursts, randomly or pre-dawn hours, nor when the perpetrator believes the area is being electronically swept and turns Off the transmitters until the TSCM crew leaves. In short, your phone and power wiring, piping, etc. can be easily and secretly tapped into using hardwired or inductive-coupling techniques just about any place they are routed internal or external to your home/business. To understand just how frustrating it is even for experts to really troubleshoot an area, rent the Gene Hackman movie, "The Conversation" - and that was early 1970s relatively crude, clunky and huge electronic surveillance systems!
       The high-band signal frequencies used on power and phone lines, piping, etc. (which can be time multiplexed and/or frequency multiplexed to support several such systems) are usually 5+ times higher than the standard 60 Hz / 50 Hz (power wiring) or 3200 Hz maximum (phone wiring) bandwidth normally used on them. The usable bandwidth of many power and phone lines exceed 2 MHz for loops up to about 6,000 ft (1.14 miles) and much higher over much shorter loops - very usable for electronic surveillance, mind control and electronic attack. Metal piping, tubing and structures can conduct signals far higher in frequency than even power and phone lines (because most power and phone lines, pipes, etc. are unshielded, electrically noisy and inductive and leaky to high freqs, most high-band signals are under 200 KHz and high in volume level). Loading these unshielded conductors with all kinds of multiplexed and high-band signals they were not designed for may cause the wiring, piping, etc. itself and their terminations to resonate with strange sounds and noises which seem to emanate from walls and ceilings often on quasi-random and directional bases (e.g. strange sounds you can hear when standing in one position but not in another position, and/or at some times and not at other times, and/or during certain conditions of humidity and/or temperature but not at other conditions), often throughout most of a building, and often similar to the vibrating and humming of an old or defective power transformer. They can also vibrate and hum in the ultrasonic and infrasonic bandwidths when signals mix and produce sum and difference frequency components. The weird sounds can also sound like a distant motor running, distant voices, whispering and mumbling, spiritual and God-like voices, high-pitched voices, low-pitched voices, chattering, music, animal sounds, whistles, echoes, pulsing, pounding, popping, finger-snapping, digital data sounds, zinging sounds, whooshing sounds, theremin sounds, etc., especially when real time complex signal mixings of possibly several signals at once result in partially demodulated and/or multiply-mixed high-band signals. These weird noises can literally drive some people nuts! If you are hearing sounds, noises or even voices or Morse-code sounding digital data signals or control signals coming from your walls, ceilings or appliances or inappropriately while you are on the phone, you may not be imagining it. Also, high frequencies imposed on power wiring can adversely affect induction motors (especially compressor motors common to refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners), causing them to operate roughly, chatter noisily and possibly stall out (because induction motor speed is proportional to the frequency of its power source, multiple frequencies can harm them), and can cause lights to unusually brighten or flicker. Modulated high frequencies on phone lines can cause malfunction of phone and computer equipment (e.g. loss of broadband sync, inability or slowdown in using DSL or even dial-up, faxes, zons, etc. because of a "noisy line").
       The WHHE1 is designed to plug directly into any 120 VAC wall outlet (3-wire or 2-wire, 60 Hz or 50 Hz) located virtually anywhere to both detect and eliminate these higher frequencies on your AC power wiring (and to also cause an improvement in your power factor if it is typically inductive or lagging power factor (PF)) (Note: If you have an intercom, digital or other communications system which uses home/business electric power wiring to transmit/receive signals, the WHHE1 will also filter out those signals if used at same time). For example, voice, data signals, and/or control signals at 10 KHz, 50 KHz, 90 KHz, ..., 1890 KHz, 1930 KHz and 1970 KHz could all be frequency multiplexed onto a single 60 Hz power line simultaneously. That is, as long as a WHHE1 is not connected, because the WHHE1 wipes out all frequencies much above 60 Hz - wiping out those electronic attack and electronic surveillance high-band signals in one fell swoop! You may specify the WHHE1 to be non-battery powered (used only on powered AC lines to also power it), or battery-powered (used on both powered and unpowered AC lines). Note that the WHHE1's filtering functions cannot be duplicated using commercial power strips with built-in transient suppression. Power strips with transient suppression only filter out transients which are both high-voltage AND high-frequency, and then only for those devices connected to the power strip - not the VAC power lines connected to your AC outlets and located behind your walls in your home or business. Only the WHHE1 can filter out unwanted signals at your outlets and home/business wiring (as well as devices plugged into power strips). Even for devices plugged into transient-protected power strips, the designed protection is for transients which are both high-voltage AND high-frequency - much less effective against hitchhiking voice, control and data signals (which usually result in small RMS voltage level increases way below voltage levels required to switch in transient suppression).
       The WHHE2 is designed to plug directly into any normal landline phone line in the building, and works whether the phone is On Hook or Off Hook to eliminate higher frequencies on your phone wiring (Note: If you use DSL, modem or other digital phone line communications system, those signals will also be filtered out if used at same time). We offer 3 versions of the WHHE2: (1) WHHE2-HB: The High-Band (HB) version (the default version if you don't specify) filters out phone line freqs starting at about 4000 Hz and above. While the HB will filter out all signals at all times when toggled ON much above the normal phone voice BW of 300-3200 Hz, it will not filter out normal speech signals in the voice BW, resulting in possible but very unlikely unauthorized voice-band transmissions when phone is on-hook. (2) WHHE2-LB: The Low-Band (LB) version filters out phone line freqs starting at about 50 Hz and above. While the LB filters out voice and data signals at all times when toggled ON, it must be turned OFF when you need to talk on the phone or use it to transmit data or it will also filter out your and the other party's voices. Note that the LB version may negatively impact ring with some phones. (3) WHEE2-CMP: The Composite (CMP) version allows you to toggle between the HB and LB versions for maximum security - when you are talking on the phone, you set it at HB, when you are sending data online, you turn OFF both HB and LB, and when phone is on-hook, you set it at LB. The WHHE2 uses the common standard RJ-11 phone connector. The WHH2 always comes battery-powered.
       The WHHE3 is designed for 12VDC battery systems (e.g. vehicle battery wiring) because car battery wiring can also be - some say often - used to conduct unwanted and harmful signals which can be used for electronic surveillance, mind control and electronic attack. You can specify whether you want its cable to have cigarette lighter, battery clamp or other type of terminating connector you specify (Note: Any and all vehicle underhood connection work must be done by your automechanic at your expense and always in a legal and safe manner, and we assume no liability for the installation, removal and use of a WHHE3 device on any vehicle). You may specify the WHHE3 to be non-battery powered (used only on powered 12VDC lines to also power it), or battery-powered (used on both powered and unpowered 12VDC lines).
       The WHHE4 is designed to test in their entirety or sections of unpowered wiring, metal piping, metal tubing, metal fencing, metal structures, and other unpowered conductors up to about 25 feet long, and to filter out all signal types they may be carrying above 60 Hz. The WHHE4 can test and filter out great varieties of conductors which do or do not have known or accessible signal return paths (WHHE1, WHHE2 and WHHE3 test and protect circuits which have electrical return paths paired with them, e.g. AC power line neutral, phone Ring wire, car battery ground). The WHHE4 comes with two cables, each about 12.5 feet long, and each terminated by alligator clips (or some other type of connector you specify). One cable is connected to the unpowered metal wiring, piping, tubing, fencing, structure, etc. If this metal is accompanied by an accessible metal electrical return path (e.g. wire, piping, tubing, fencing, structure, etc.), the other cable is connected to it, else other cable is connected to grounded metal, in which case an earth ground rod may be required (earth ground rod not provided, available in hardware stores). The WHH4 always comes battery-powered. Note: Not all plumbing or tubing (or fencing or structures) is continuous metal all the way into a good earth ground. Sometimes plastic plumbing is used, which breaks any ground connection. Even if the plumbing pipe is continuous metal all the way to where buried in earth, pipe joints can be corroded enough or use enough teflon tape to break the electrical connection, the pipe can be laid in dry ground or concrete, and/or the pipe itself can be corroded enough to break its ground connection. In fact, plumbing pipe is never a reliable earth ground. National Electrical Code: 'True earth ground physically consists of a conductive rod or pipe driven into the earth to a minimum depth of 8 feet.' Plumbing pipe is never "driven into the earth" and plumbing, tubing, fencing and structures are seldom buried at least 8 feet deep. If unpowered metal is not itself solidly grounded to earth (easily determined) - not just wet-season or intermittently grounded - it makes a great conductor for electronic signals.
       The WHHE devices come with a signal indicator LED and the DETECT/PROTECT toggle switch. One toggled position is the DETECT Mode in which the LED will flicker and/or brighten if there is a high-band signal on the line, piping, etc. The other toggled position is the PROTECT Mode which will filter out all types of high-band signals, transients and line noise interference hitchhiking signals to remove them from your line, piping, etc. The DETECT Mode continuously tests your conductor to determine if there is any unusual signal or other electrical activity on it. The toggle switch is especially protected with a snubber circuit designed to prevent contact arcing during switches. If the WHHE device conflicts with some other known and OK equipment or function connected to your wiring in the PROTECT Mode, then don't operate that WHHE in its PROTECT Mode when using such equipment or function (no known interferences in the DETECT Mode).
       Plus WHHE devices are designed to further protect your lines from possibly destructive high-voltage pulses, transients and line noise which can sometimes also occur, whether natural or manmade (e.g. helps protect you from a perpetrator trying to wreck your phone or power system - even your computer - using a phone or power line blaster to deliver high-voltage transients, pulses and electrical noise to your system and equipment; and helps protect lines and equipment against damage caused by nearby lightning strike or transients, pulses and line noise). (Note that while electronic filters may eliminate 99.9+% of a signal - so much of the signal that the tiny remaining signal is lost in the line noise - no electronic filter wipes out absolutely 100% of a signal; always experiment with WHHE device first to make sure that it does not interfere with the normal use of your lines and equipment.). This very substantial added transient protection includes a gas discharge lightning arrestor (surge arrestor - not normally found even in expensive transient-suppressed power strips), a MOV (varistor), and the filter capacitor itself - all of which adds substantial protection from lightning strikes, line blasters, and powerful pulsed mind control and electronic attack devices hitchhiked onto your lines, piping, etc. 
         Plus WHHE devices come with an output connector which permits you to directly view hitchhiking signals on an oscilloscope or hear them on a speaker or earphones (if signal is in the audio band; oscilloscope, speaker and earphones are not included). By being able to observe and/or hear the signals which should not be on your line, piping, etc., you can often tell exactly what is being communicated or controlled, and correlate the hitchhiking signals with conversations, other activities, and unexplained manifestations.
       Note that since most home and office electric power systems are 220-240 VAC and standard outlet wiring is 110-120 VAC, there are two isolated AC power "legs" that power the various 110-120 VAC outlets and functions throughout the building. Therefore, to simultaneously and continuously DETECT and PROTECT both AC power legs, you need two WHHE1 devices. Also note that if your landline phone system has more than one phone line, each phone line is isolated from each other, so therefore to simultaneously and continuously DETECT and PROTECT all phone lines, you need a WHHE2 for each and every phone line. All WHHE device-types are small, portable, easy to use, uses standard connectors, and the WHHE2 and WHHE4 are 9VDC battery-powered (WHHE1 and WHHE3 operate off of their power line voltages but we can also make them to operate off of 9VDC battery to also test unpowered 120VAC power lines (WHHE1) and car battery wiring (WHHE3)). CAUTION: Do not use any WHHE device in the PROTECT Mode to do a denial-of-service attack against anyone legitimately using a phone system or power line for some normal high-band activity, for example, by interfering with or defeating DSL, modems, faxes, zons, intercoms, alarm systems, etc.
       Non battery-powered WHHE1, WHHE3. Last made $395 [1 lb] each.
       Battery-powered WHHE1, WHHE2-HB, WHHE2-LB, WHHE3. Last made $445 [1 lb] each.
       Battery-powered WHHE2-CMP, WHHE4. Last made $495 [2 lb].

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